Our company deals with international shipping services throughout Europe. It cooperates with a capable network of international collaborators and transporting partners, which we wisely put together over the years.
International shipping services include a transportation of different types of cargo. We are proud we deliver cargo throughout Europe and that all of our services quality and professionally conducted. We have a wide network and our drivers are present daily in all European countries.
We have six trucks with which all the international shipment are done throughout Europe. We are avere of all the strict legal previsions and we follow with professionalism. The European agreement of the international carriage of dangerous goods by road comes into force after WW2. when road transport become more and more frequent. We enforce it as well, so that all international transportations can run without complications. Our biggest advantage is the quality of service, as a result, of knowledge and experience. International shipping services and logistics are one of our main actions. In shipping transportation we pay attention to short and optimum transit time.
All services are organised directly without additional transhipment, and they can be tracked at all time. We carry out all the necessary services according to your international shipments. Our six trucks help with that. Our advantages are dynamics, flexibility and a quick reaction to the resulting situation.
We adapted our work to offer our customers daily international shipments throughout Europe.
The main areas of road transportation are internal and international road transport of passengers and goods, and international relation relating to the system of internal and international transport in the Republic of Slovenia.
Speed and reliability of road transport is our priority for the organization of all or part international cargo. We carefully consider safety and ecological integrity while shipping. We organize international and combined shipments throughout Europe. Road currier services allow the passage of goods to almost all locations that is why it is most commonly used. That is why our company will give you unlimited business opportunities.
What does road transport actually mean? It is a way to transport all your good from one place to the other by road. For that our company uses truck transport. We have six trucks daily on the roads across Europe. Curriers with whom we have a strong and trusting relationship meet all the requirements needed for getting a job well done. We also take into account modern ecological guidelines and standards for environmental clean vehicles.
We strictly follow the legislation in the field of road transport. It is our concern to bring the cargo within the agreed deadlines to the final destination. A sufficient number of means of transport enables us to do so. That is the only way to preform services in accordance with the wishes of our customers.
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